Unemployment Records and Jerry Criner aka Cryout has just released a version of the Motown hit My Girl in the UK Click here
and hear it or download the mp3.
Kansas Strut , EP Release from Jerry Cryout, in Wave file form get it. Burn a Cd from the wave files from your Computer. Three
Live Concert Recordings along with two instrumentals from Jerry Cryout. 0">
Order The New Jerry Criner aka cryout EP Kansas Strut. The Music is in wave form so you can burn a CD right from your computer.
Two instrumentals and three live concert recording! The live track No Man that you can hear on this site Gee Song live Kansas
Strut instrumental. Download them now!
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To Order The New Full Cd release of Jerry Cryout's Kansas strut click here. 35 minutes of Instrumental's and live concert
recordings of Jerry Criner aka Cryout